1st Annual Celebrity Golf Outing: Twin Orchard Country Club   |   Thursday July 20, 2017

About Us

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you: friends, family, volunteers, and celebrities for the years of tireless effort dedication, generosity and love in providing funding to help charitable endeavors that provide services for special needs children with physical and developmental disabilities.
Thus, it is with great pleasure that Steve Hara, Mike Rosen and Scott Rudin, introduce our new charitable endeavor, The Helping Hands Network.  Steve, Mike and Scott through personal relationships have recognized that as these dynamic special needs children transition into adulthood there is a huge void of Adult Programs and Residential Housing.  This problem has been compounded by our state and federal governments stripping away monies for the most vulnerable in our society.  HHN was sprung with the intention to focus its fundraising efforts by fundraising for Keshet whom is a pioneering organization with top notch Adult Programs and Residential Housing through their Gadol Program (which means in Hebrew Big or Great).  Because of the tidal wave of children now turning age 22 Keshet is being taxed and challenged to accommodate all that need their help, and desperately needs partners like HHN and its constituents to help fund raise so that no young adult is left behind sitting at home with nothing to do no place to go, and having their parents worry where will they live who will love them when their dead.  Sorry to be so blunt but this is reality.
For nearly two decades, Steve, Mike and Scott have poured their hearts and souls into Special Kids Network.  SKN has been a collection of friends, family members, volunteers, & celebrities alike, all uniting for the cause of helping multiple children’s charities.  Steve, Mike and Scott want to thank you all for the countless hours of volunteering, endless financial generosity, the long days, longer nights, and all of it done with smiles on all your faces. The years and friendships logged at SKN for all of us, is what truly makes life worth living and our commitment unwavering to help.  
With that passion in mind, it is with exuberance and enthusiasm that we hope that we can count on you in supporting this new exciting venture. To that end please join us at the Helping Hands Network Inaugural Golf Outing on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at Twin orchard Country Club. 

HHN is a 501c(3) non-profit organization so it is now that we humbly ask that you open your hearts and your funds and continue to help those who cannot speak and advocate for themselves. We have set out a goal to raise monies to help create residential housing to promote independence for young adults with special needs.

We are honored for the relationships built and memories forged, and look forward to creating new ones at Helping Hands Network. Please review carefully all emails, social media blasts, and other messages as the HHN Celebrity Golf Outing is on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at Twin Orchard. Lastly please know that we are energized and our ferocity for helping others is not winding down, but only speeding up!
Love & Thanks,

11:00 AM Registration, Practice Green & Range Access: 11:00AM - 12:40PM
11:00 AM BBQ Lunch: 11:00AM - 12:40PM
01:00 PM Golf Shotgun: 1:00PM
05:00 PM Post round Cocktails, Heavy Hors D'Oeuvres, Silent/Live Auction: 5:00PM - 7:30PM



11:00 AM

Start Time




Per Hole


Per Group

Twin Orchard Country Club

22353 Old McHenry Road
Long Grove, Illinois, United States