2024 Chief Robert Seaman Memorial Golf Outing: Inwood Country Club   |   Monday September 16, 2024

Frequently asked questions

What is the outing play format? The outing format is a "Shamble" format.  Each golfer tees off and the best shot is selected by the group for the best position, but from that point each golfer will play their own ball until they holed out.  The shamble format allows each golfer the benifit of the best drive, so they typically start out with nice advantage (assuming there's a big hitter in the group).  The format is intended to be fun and relaxing for all glofers, whether high or low handicappers.

What is the dress code for the outing?  Golf shirt with collar (S/S or L/S) tucked in;  Pants -- linen, khaki, cotton or in cold weather - wool; Women, capri pants, a skirt (shorts made to look like  golf shoes by having a panel across the front and back), or culottes. Bernuda-length shorts are allowed. NO jeans, cutoffs, gym shorts or short-shorts are allowed.  Soft spike Golf shoes (NO metal spikes). Golf hats are allowed on the course, but the clubhouse has an indoors hats-off policy.  

Is there a limit on the number of strokes a player can have on a hole?  We ask each player to limit themselves to Double Par on each hole.  This will make it possible for everyone to finish their round in a reasonable time and allow for everyone to have an enjoyable round.

What contest are available during the outing?

  • Hole-In-One Prize Holes:   Included with your player registration.
    Any claim for ANY Hole-In-One prize must be verified.  NO exception.
  • Longest Drive: (4th Hole)   Included with your player registration.
    Prize:  $50 Gift card for the Men and Women winner.
  • Chief Seaman Team Contest:   Included with your player registration.
    Chief Seaman introduced this contest in the 2022 Live Oak's golf outing.  Each group is assigned a Live Oak numbered golfball to use throughout their round.  The group must rotate the golfball  between the players, switching on each hole.  For examle, Player 1st tees off on the first hole and continue to use the ball until they hole out. The 2nd player on the next hole tees off with the ball and continues using the ball until they hole out. the process continues until all the players in the group have had a turn.  The process continues until the group round is completed  and they still have the ball to turn in at the dinner. Groups who return the correct number golferball are entered into a Lottery for 4-$50 gifts cards.
  • 50/50 Closest to the pin (10th Hole - 110 yards)   Fee: $20/golfer.     Registration available on-line or at the check-in table.
    Each player, who is entered in the contest, on their first attempt is the closest to the pin will split the cash pot with the golf outing organizers.   Player must tee off between the assigned tee-markser, otherwise it will not count.  
  • 50/50 Last Golfer Standing Contest:   FEE: $20/Box    Registration available on-line or at the check-in table.
    Throughout the day,  players arriving at the halfway house are asked to pull a numbered ball  from the jar.  The player whose number is pulled is eliminated.  This continues untiil only 3 numbered balls remain.  The contest will be continued at the dinner.  The first numbered ball pulled eliminates the player whose has that number.   The other two remaining players can decide whether to split the winner half of the cash pot or continue.  Both players must agree on the split
  • New Driver Raffle:   FEE: $20/Box   Registration available on-line or at the check-in table.
    A new driver will be raffled off before the outing first tee-off.  100 Boxes are availble.
  • Ticket Auction Sheets:   FEE: 1 Ticket auction sheet for $10.  3 ticket auction sheets for $20     Ticket auction sheets are available on-line, at the check-in table, Halfway house and during the Cocktail hour..
    The player decides which prize lottery they want to be in.  The numbers for each prize will be pulled during the dinner hours.   

Can I just make a separate donation to either the Ahrens Fox or Tunnel to Towers Foundation?  
Under the sponsor area (Store found on the menu) you can select either one or both.  The selection is set for $20/unit.  Select the number of units equal to the amount you wish to donate. Another way is to select the donation button.  Monies under that option will be set aside and divided among the Seaman family, Tunnel to Towers Foundation and the 1937 Ahrens Fox Fund.  You can click on the Tunnel to Tower Icon in the sponsor window on the home page and it will take you to their website.  You may also make your donations at the check-in table on the day of the outing. 

10:00 AM Check-in and Breakfast Inwood Country Clubhouse
12:00 PM Shotgun Start The putting green
05:00 PM Cocktail Hour Main Dining Room
06:00 PM Dinner Hour In the Main Dinning Room



10:00 AM

Start Time




Per Hole


Per Group

Inwood Country Club

50 Peppe Drive
Inwood, New York, United States

Phone: +1 (516) 239-2800
Web: http://www.inwoodcc.org