Auction Items link (Click to see all the items)

Registration is closed to additional Golfers

Join us for the Gage Ingram Hero Classic, a golf tournament honoring our heroes and celebrating the spirit of our patriotic community. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Nathan Gage Ingram Foundation, dedicated to supporting military families and creating educational opportunities. Show your support for our nation’s finest, enjoy a day of golf, camaraderie, and patriotism. Together, we can make a difference. Sign up today and be a hero on the green!


About the Tournament:

Foursome "Best Ball" Scramble

Major Hole-in-One Prize

Longest Drive Competition

Closest to the Pin Competition

Pong's Closest to the Poop Shoot at the chipping green

Awards for the Top 3 Finishing Teams

Start your game with a delicious breakfast "burrito to go" and enjoy a buffet lunch after the match. The award banquet will feature both a silent and live auction. Enjoy drinks and a buffet with members of the military and dignitaries.

07:00 AM Registration begins Clubhouse Entrance
08:00 AM Welcome Breakfast Clubhouse
09:00 AM Shotgun Start At assigned hole
01:30 PM Lunch Clubhouse
03:00 PM Awards and Announcements Clubhouse
05:30 PM Happy Hour Clubhouse Bar

Trophy Club Country Club

500 Trophy Club Drive
Trophy Club, Texas, United States

Phone: +1 (817) 837-1900