Melissa Hedgepeth
Hi, my name is Melissa Hedgepeth and I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with HER2 postitive breast cancer in January of 2018 and had my first chemo treatment on February 14, 2019. I was not scared when I was told because we as a family had already been through some tough things since 2016 with my husband and 2017 with my daughter. I knew that God had me and I would be fine. The part I was not prepared for was how bad the chemo and radiation treatments would make me feel. I have a high tolerance for pain but this was like nothing I had ever experienced and hope to never have to experience again. One positive thing that came out of it was that I learned to rely on God more than I ever had before. I truly learned to let go and let God and my faith became so strong during this time. I am not going to lie, I did tell my husband a couple of times that I was done and not doing any more treatments but of course he did not let me quit. Because of going through all of this I wanted to experience doing the Susan G.Komen 3-Day Walk and see what it felt like to be a part of an amazing group of women. I know that it will be hard but I feel like it will only add to my experience. So I have recruited 3 people to walk with me for this experience. I have my sister in law Tanda Gorden, my daughter Brianna Worley and my newly aquired niece Shelby Kindrick. They really love me to put themselves through this but they know I would do the same thing for them. With all that said, we have to raise money for this walk and that is where all of you come in. We would be very appreciative of all the help and support we can receive for this amazing cause. Thank you and may God bless each and everyone of you.
Hey Folks, We will be competing in a Two man scramble at Prairie Lakes Golf Course in Grand Prairie, Texas on September 21, 2019. We will be benefitting the Susan G. Komen Three Day Walk that Melissa, Tanda, Brianna, and Shelby will be participating in come November of this year. Please grab a friend and join us for the fun. We will be having an incredible day of fun, golf, a raffle, an auction, and a bake sale. Keep up to date on the website as we will be adding info and auction items as they come in. That brings me to another point, if you have anything you or your place of business would love to donate for the cause please feel free to contact us. There are quite a few ways to get your company exposure. We can link your company on this site, we can make hole sponsor signs, and even a sponser package of some kind. Please explore the website for more info.
Why 100? because it's a nice round number for a goal. Oh and you golfers will understand this, it will get us a shotgun start at the golf course. {which is kind of important}.
OK, now for the particulars;
Entry Fee is $100 per player, which includes golf, lunch, 2 mulligans, and 5 raffle tickets a piece.
07:00 AM | Check In | Covered Patio |
08:00 AM | Shot Gun Start | Tee Time |
01:30 PM | Lunch | Covered Patio |
02:00 PM | Live Auction | Covered Patio |
3202 SE 14th St
Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
+1 (972) 264-2974