General Rules of Play
·Teams are their assigned foursomes
·Scramble format – All players hit from the spot they choose to be the best ball played
Mulligans & Strings
Purchase this package for only $20 to help your team and increase your fun
·You will get 4 mulligans (1 for each golfer)
·You will also get a bag of 4 strings that may be used once each to save you strokes if you are within the length of the string. For example, you could get a hole in one if your tee shot is within the length of the string
*purchases can be made via etranser, debit, visa, mastercard or cash by seeing the volunteer with the square
Longest Drive Contest
·All golfers participate
·Drive must be in the fairway
·Only the person who hit the longest drive in the group is eligible to win
·Men’s & Women’s Prizes
Closest to the Pin
·All golfers participate
·Measurements will be recorded by the volunteer at the hole
·Only the person who hit the closest to the pin in the group is eligible to win
·Men’s & Women’s Prizes
Putting Contest
·3 balls for $5
·Players putt 3 balls (1 at a time) and the total score will be recorded
·If there is a tie, there will be a
*purchases can be made via etranser, debit, visa, mastercard or cash by seeing the volunteer with the square
Winning Team & Most Honest Team
·Prizes for all players in these foursomes
*In the event the tournament cannot be held due to Covid 19 restrictions we will contact you regarding a refund minus the $4.01 service fee.